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about me.

Shayla Smith, born and raised in West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. While singing and writing are a few of her talents, she is most passionate about pulling the very best out of others, as an emerging Christian speaker, life coach, and teacher of the Gospel, “Wounds that Heal”. This heart for ministry is most tender and connected to the broken, injured and lost. Shayla seeks to bring wellness to her community through healing and wholeness. Her mission and purpose is to create opportunities for women worldwide to become the best version of themselves. By her own victory of healing and fullness, she desires that all women attain their full potential, while growing in all that God has designed for them to be. 


Through Wounds That Heal, Shayla is dedicated to providing various platforms that bridge the gap between the Church and the world, helping women deal with the reality of their hurting places and connect them to God's promises, giving them access to a place of emotional, mental and physical healing, ultimately leading to an authentic life.Shayla's prayer is that she be accustomed to growing and glorifying God in every sphere, facet and opportunity present in her life. She wishes for everything she does and everything she speaks to point directly to Jesus Christ. Because she knows that without Him, she is NOTHING!

you cannot heal in the shadows.

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about book.

The tools inside of this book point to strategies that will help you courageously face your pain, uproot underlying issues, uncover lies from the enemy, and live beyond what has hurt you. This book aims to help you get through life's painful experiences by guiding you through your healing process. All you are facing isn't all there will be! There are various wounds we ALL have to tend to and heal from. However, I want you to consider that there is a reason you are still here. You are alive, a testament to the God of the universe, not being finished with you yet! What you thought should have and could have killed you didn't! 

You are a walking, breathing, talking, moving, evolving, growing miracle! Healing is a reality, a gift, a grace, a mercy, and an opportunity for you today. Become acquainted with the authentic you by facing your wounds and genuinely healing. There is only one way to get through, and that is, to go through!

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only what you bring to light can be healed.

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